The gold is in YOU.
It’s your turn for blessing and big adventure.
God has not forgotten you. But have you forgotten yourself? Have you put yourself last on your prayer list, last on your investment list, last in your faith for your own blessing?
If so, I understand. And I’m here to help. On this site, I share training and coaching opportunities (all based on God’s Word + practical wisdom and experience) that will help you believe God for yourself and find your wealth.
God has already placed great wealth in you. Join my email list and get notified about coaching opportunities that will help you find it.
Hello! I’m Jamie!
Hello! I’m Jamie!
I’m the CEO of a nonprofit, but sometimes I want to say things just between you and me. This is where I can connect with you just as … me.
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Top off your fit with faith!
Check out my Add2Faith fashion line of inspiring gear.
My gear will help you remember that the outrageous promises of God are FOR YOU in YOUR everyday life!
Oh hi there! I’m Jamie!
I believe God’s Word that says the people who know Him will be strong, and will do great exploits. So I’m here to help you know Jesus as the God who blesses YOU. I’m here to help you find the gold that He planted in your spirit from the foundation of the world.